City as Loft – Dynamic/Stable Structures as a Resource for Robust and Resilient Cities

A look back in history shows that technical inventions were made at one point and of course shaped the society, the urban way of life and the cities. But most of them were further developed, outdated, or even discarded. Our cities instead endure, were and are the base and stage for technological and social innovation. Which leads us to the question: What plays part in contributing in a robust and resilient city, a city that is a resource itself?

Cities are in constant change and development. To deal with the existing and to have a vision for the future, that is sustainable urban development from my point of view. There are a lot of aspects and dimensions to be considered. Not only the spatial ones but also functional, social, programmatic and atmospheric aspects are relevant. A highly complex system and situation to deal with.

For the purposes of sustainable urban development, there is no alternative to a thrifty way of dealing with resources, which include the stock of areas and buildings. The existing must be regarded not merely as a material and economic resource, but also as an important component that makes the city itself into a source of new developments and new lifestyles. In addition to the economic, ecological and social aspects of sustainability, there is another that is relevant in this context: the opening up of new possibilities. Sustainable urban development means working with what is already there – whether it is buildings, infrastructure, resources, or the people involved.

Buenos Aires Architektur Biennale 2017

Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Martina Baum “City as Loft – Dynamic/Stable Structures as a Resource for Robust and Resilient Cities” und Podiumsgespräch mit Prof. Andres Lepik, Prof. Jana Revedin unter Moderation von Prof. Markus Vogl


12. Oktober 2017 in Buenos Aires im Rahmen der Architektur Biennale 2017

Studio Urbane Strategien GmbH

Leipziger Platz 2
70197 Stuttgart


Prof. Dr. Martina Baum
Vertr.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Markus Vogl

Freie Architekten & Stadtplaner BDA



Tel. 0711 31 55 03 93



Universität Stuttgart, SuE: Lehrstuhl für Stadtplanung und Entwerfen